Energy & Environment
The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC: A Pie in the Sky or Scam?
Compact Fluorescent
Lamps (CFLs)
Energy, Conservation
& the Environment opinions.
clean alternative to fossil fuels.
Consumer/Pro Electronics
& Computers
Audio & Video
Cell & Regular phone
Computer hardware
& software opinions & tutorials.
Electronic devices
Internet opinions.
Banking services
Business Bureau
Does the BBB really represent consumers?
Consumer Advocate
Insurance opinions.
London Ontario
business comments.
Medical Malpractice (Adverse
Events) & Virus Spreading At Scarboro General Hospital
in Toronto.
Rating Services
Governemnt & Politics
Government & Political
lawsSee how government & industry try to use privacy laws
as an excuse to not reveal information you're entitled to.
Health, Food &
Safety opinions.
opinions on various products & services.
Vacations & Travel
Words & Thoughts
Interesting famous quotes.
Quotes by Doug Hembruff
Lawyer Jokes.
Definitions or
sort of rants on improper use of English.
Points To Ponder.
Links to
other useful web sites.
Used Equipment For Sale |
The following are Doug Hembruff's personal
opinions (blogs), buyer beware warnings, news & pet peeves
on various consumer products, services & companies (not
necessarily video products).
We live in a buyer beware marketplace where
there are lots of companies selling products that do not live
up to customers expectations or advertised claims. Worse still
is that many companies just don't care any more about customer
support, or telling the whole truth & some intentionally
mislead. Greed, larceny, selfishness, stupidity, price gouging
& poor ethics seem to be taking over people & the
companies they work for. Incompetence seems to abound everywhere
these days in every profession & often the buyer bares
the brunt of this incompetence. Far too often products &
services are not sufficiently tested for design flaws &
functionality before they are introduced to the marketplace.
Some products or services exceeded my expectations & those
are listed here too. These consumer advocate opinions below
are intended to help you become aware of possible trouble
areas in the marketplace so you can avoid some of the problems
I've experienced & to highlight some products I thought
were exceptional. There is no need to be stressed or miserable
when you've been "put upon" by an organization,
you can draw the line & fight back.
If you have information that verifies or disputes my opinions,
please email me Doug
Hembruff. If you have a well documented opinion or comments
about a product or service that might help lots of other people
make a good purchase decision rather than a bad one, please
post your blog on your own web site, or see the Consumer
Advocate links for info about creating a blog site or
for other organizations that you might effectively complain
to. I would encourage other's to start a similar web page
on their own web site. The internet can be a great tool to
share information that helps us make good purchase decisions,
keep companies honest & responsible to their customers.
It can also help us stretch a buck.