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30 second Pepsi commercial at Superbowl 2003 of Osborns & Osmonds in Real Video 8 format, 282 Kbps, 320X240 by 15 frames per second. Help reduce spam by reporting

PC Pitstop, free online diagnostic tools for your PC.

Spybot free tool for detecting spyware & isolating it.

Ad-Aware SE Personal free tool for detecting spyware & isolating it.

Real PlayerReal One Player basic free player for RealVideo & RealAudio from RealNetworks. Not the "Free 14 day trial" version, menu around for the "Free" version.

Microsoft Windows Media Player version 6.4 & higher (free) vastly improved over the 4.0 version that comes installed on earlier Windows computers such as 95 & NT (you'll need Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed). Windows Media PlayerChoose the correct version for your operating system. Windows 2000 already has the current version of Windows Media Player installed. Note that version 7.1 & 9 of WMP uses much more CPU resources than version 6.4 & could actually cause frame skipping on older computers.

QuickTime6 complete standalone download. Also available as QuickTime6installer allows you to download the installer & then you stay connected to the internet while you execute that installer & download only those files you require. QuickTime6 is a free movie player from Apple for Mac & PC computers (choose the appropriate version for your computer). It can be turned into the basic Pro version for $29.99, which allows you to save or export to QuickTime. A no charge license from Apple is required to distribute the QuickTime player to others. Please note that the QuickTime player is very CPU intensive, so older computers may not play movies without skipping frames. (QuickTime6 doesn't work with Windows NT, use QuickTime5 for NT).

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 browser installer is available for free (stay online to download the rest of the files once you execute the installer)(I was not able to get the 128 bit version to install).

EyeDropper Tool for PCs to measure pixel color values.

Teco bitrate viewer tool for streaming media developers.

TaskInfo2000 is combination of Task Manager and System Information Utility, It visually monitors different types of System information in Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000.

BigFX emulates the FilmFX look on video.

Indeo Video Interactive (AVI) Drivers. Free download of versions 3.2, 4.5 & 5.11 from Ligos.

Windows Cinepak codec newer chargeable versions for AVI Cinepak movie developers.

ZEN Computer Services in Britain, has some good tutorials by Martin Kay.

Video Systems Trading Company sells used (rebuilt) VHS commercial grade duplicators.

Tutorials on SCSI interfaces for hard drives.

Damaged tape recovery for restoration of old or damaged tapes & lots of tips.

Winzip utility for zipping up (compressing) files to a smaller size for quicker internet downloads.

Adobe Acrobat reader, free. a non-Bell site to look up Canadian people or businesses, that works very well because it isn't messed up by Bell. Includes maps, reverse lookup & phone numbers for Canada. Much higher quality than the Bell site below, but gets some items wrong.

Canada 411 Bell's Canada-wide white & yellow pages, very poorly maintained. Possibly as many as 10% of the listings don't contain the City, so if you type in the city it could narrow the search too much. Postal codes are no longer revealed in the search. So typical of Bell's ineptness these days.

Canadian Weather very unreliable reporting by Environment Canada.

All Things Canadian

Retrovaille ... a lifeline for married couples.

Mercy Ships is a global charity that provides free medical services to third world countries from a ship.

e-Sword is where you can get free Bible study software. It's about time that these study resources were available for free. Many different Bible translations including other languages, commentaries, graphics & maps, Bible dictionaries, devotionals & extras.

Dr. Phil really good advice for relationships.

The Mirkin Report for healthier living by Dr. Gabe Mirkin.


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