This is some kind of string expansion macro language I made. There's probably 100's like it, but I thought it was pretty cool so I am putting it up here.
If you have ever seen a makefile before, this will look somewhat familiar. But it's not really the same, so please check out the readme.txt.
$(variable) $(function[ ,arg[,args...]])
Also using some helper #macro's (in the freebasic header file) it is possible to easily add new custom functions in a few lines of code:
DEFINE_MACRO_FUNC( myfunc ) print "Function = "; args(0) print "First arg = "; args(1) END_MACRO_FUNC BIND_MACRO_FUNC( myfunc )
Which then allows evaluating $(myfunc arg1,arg2,...,argn). See readme.txt in the download for more details.
This is intended to be used in the fb or fblite dialects.
Download 15 KFor a simple implementaton if LISP using FreeBASIC see my LISP Evaluator for FreeBASIC.