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LISP Evaluator for FreeBASIC

An embedded LISP interpreter written entirely in FreeBASIC for use with FreeBASIC applications.

The intent of this library is to provide an embedded LISP evaluator to a FreeBASIC program so that it could be used as a macro/script language for the application.

Requires FreeBASIC 1.0 or later to build from sources (included in the win32 package). If the static library does not work with your version of FreeBASIC, delete the lib and build from sources. Not tested, but should compile for DOS/linux also.

As of Nov 2017, have also put the source code at https://github.com/jayrm/fb-lisp. With the repository, tried to add some of the older versions to preserve some of the history.


lisp-2017.11.19-win32.zip 90 K


Example source calling a "Hello World" LISP program from inside FreeBASIC.

'' --------------------------------------------------------
'' --------------------------------------------------------
'' The smallest possible example that makes use of the LISP
'' evaluator.
'' compile with: 
''    fbc hello.bas -i ../inc -p ../lib
'' --------------------------------------------------------

#include once "lisp.bi"

dim lsp as LISP.LispModule
lsp.eval $"(princ ""Hello World\n"")"