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coderJeff's Personal FreeBASIC Builds - Downloads

patch for windows standalone fbc 1.09.0 to fbc 1.10.0 winlibs/gcc-9.3 (2022.07.16)

  • 32-bit binary fbc32.exe
  • 64-bit binary fbc64.exe
  • 32-bit and 64-bit binaries
  • plus other modified files compared to fbc 1.09.0

Binary Patch (2022.07.16):  -  fb.1.10.0-winlibs-patch-2022-07-16.zip 3,088 KiB

On a clean (or previously updated fbc 1.09.0 installation, unpack the patch file and copy files in to the fbc directory tree

This binary patch contains the files to update an fbc 1.09.0 winlibs installation to fbc 1.10.0 (current development) version.

Patch is based on FreeBASIC 1.09.0 standalone winlibs gcc-9.3.0 version (32-bit and 64-bit) package: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-winlibs-gcc-

And the fbc package is based on winlibs by Brecht Sanders