OSSTF District 11- Thames Valley
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

680 Industrial Road, London, Ontario, N5V 1V1
Phone: (519) 659-6588; Fax: (519) 659-2421; Email: osstf11@execulink.com

District 11 Office

District 11 Office

District President's Memo
June 26, 2006

President's Message
2006 Mike Montag Memorial Award
Moving or Changing Your Name?
Annual Offence Declaration
New Teachers August Conference

President's Message

Before you leave for the summer, I wanted to touch base with you about a couple of items.

First of all, thank you for all of the work you have done over the course of the year both in your various positions and also in support of public education. I hope that you will have a relaxing and restful summer. To those of you who are teaching summer school, I hope that you will have a good term.

Next, I want to welcome the incoming executives for 2006-2007. There will be some new faces, among them District and Teachers’ Bargaining Unit President-Elect, Dave Russell, PSSP President-Elect Jody Harris, Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit President-Elect Don Rowdon, and new Federation Services Officer Tony Stokes. Congratulations to these members as well as all of the other new executive members elected at the various AGMs. As I move on to my new position at the provincial office, I am confident that the district is in excellent hands.

Finally, I want to give you information about accessing District 11 office personnel over the summer. Contact information can be found on the District website from a link on the front page right under the "Welcome" banner. Voice mail and email will be monitored throughout the summer and someone will get back to you as soon as possible, generally within 2-3 working days unless the person you are trying to contact is out of town in which case the phone message should tell you when he/she is returning..

If you need urgent or immediate assistance, please contact the provincial office at 1-800-267-7867 and ask for the Duty Officer.

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2006 Mike Montag Memorial Award

District 11 awards the Mike Montag Memorial Award annually to a member who is active in the Federation at the local and provincial levels, who has made significant contributions in the area of collective bargaining and who demonstrates humanitarian qualities.

We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2006 award is Peter Chapman.

Peter was instrumental in steering four very different districts through what could have been a difficult amalgamation and first contract negotiation. His leadership during those first critical years of amalgamation has ultimately resulted in a very strong and cohesive district which enjoys a productive working relationship with the board.

Congratulations, Peter! And thank you for your continued contributions to District 11 as the Chair of the Active Retired Members–Chapter 11.

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Moving or Changing Your Name?

Help us keep our membership list current. If you change your name or address or phone number, PLEASE email, fax or phone in your new information to the District Office; also indicate which Bargaining Unit you belong to: Teachers, Occasional Teachers, PSSP, or Continuing Education Instructors.

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Annual OffenCe Declaration

If you have not already done so, please make sure that you have done your “Offence Declaration”. Please remember that it is a provincial regulation that it MUST be done. The board has set it up so that it can be done quickly and easily on the Employee Portal. They have also indicated that if it has not been done by September 1, it is possible that you may not be allowed to start work in the fall and that could have pay implications for you.

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New Teachers’ August Conference

All new teachers in their first or second year, including occasional teachers, are encouraged to sign up for the New Teachers’ August Conference on Friday August 25, from 8:30 to 3:00 at the London Convention Centre. Details of the conference and registration can be found on the Employee Portal.

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Let us not take thought for our separate interests, but let us help one another.
(OSSTF Motto)
