This page summarizes the information I know about the DARK family in Ontario.
Family "folk-lore"
One family member says he remembers that at his grandfather's (John Dark) funeral it was said the deceased was from Barnstaple, England. The deceased was definitely born in Ontario, but other sources indicate that the father of deceased (George Dark) was from England.
One family member has notes in her mother's (John's daughter) handwriting that George Dark was from Bideford and his wife Anne was from Barnstaple.
Brussels Post - July 24, 1891
DEATHS - DARK - In Grey, on the 18th inst. George Dark, aged 71 years.
DIED - On Saturday of last week George Dark, an old and very highly esteemed resident of the 11th con., passed over to the majority. He had been ailing for some years but only confined to his bed for a short time. Cancer was the cause of his disease. Mr. Dark came to Grey about 38 years ago and cleared the farm on which he died. He had lived in Fullarton township and Mitchell before coming here. In the latter place, he was united in marriage to Miss A. Fursmore who, with 10 children survives him. The deceased was 71 years of age. The funeral on Sunday afternoon was largely attended. Rev. B. Sherlock conducted the service. Mr. Dark enjoyed the respect of all who knew him and his widow and family have the sympathy of the community. Thus one by one the old residents are passing away.
Brussels Post - July 16, 1897
The friends of Mrs. Dark Sr. will be pleased to learn of the slight improvement in her condition.
Brussels Post - July 23, 1897
DEATHS - DARK - In Grey, on Sunday, July 18th, 1897, Ann Dark, relict of the late George Dark aged 71 yrs, 3 months.
Brussels Post - August 31, 1899
DEATHS - JONES - In Brussels, on Aug 24th, John Jones, 80 years.
A GOOD MAN GONE - Like a ripe shock of corn John Jones, an old and highly esteemed resident of Grey, was gathered into the Eternal garner on Thursday afternoon of last week in the 81st year of his age. He had been in declining health for the past year but was always able to get about until about a week prior to his decease when a stroke of paralysis benumbed his left side and eventually caused death. Mr. Jones was a native of Somersetshire, England, his birthplace being Sandford, in the parish of Kinscomb, where on May 7th, 1819, he first saw the light of day. In February, 1847, the light of the Holy Spirit illuminated his heart and he was soundly converted under the ministration of Ray Thomas Wooldrige, Ware circuit, England, and through the 52 years that have elapsed he was often comforted and encouraged by his confiding trust in the Almighty which did not fail him in the hour of his departure. In December, 1848, deceased went to Newport, Wales, and on August 9th, 1852, he was united in marriage to is now bereft partner, Miss Susanna Dark, of Newport. She was a helpmeet indeed. The day following their marriage Mr. and Mr. Jones left for Bristol and from there sailed to the new world, landing at New York. After a sojourn of 7 months in New York State they came to Mitchell, Perth Co., where they spent 2 years and on into this township where they took up lot 9 con 10. Grey township was largely an unbroken forest 44 or 45 years ago. In 1884 they sold the homestead and moved to Graham's survey, Brussels South, where they cultivated a garden plot, largely devoted to fruit and vegetables. 7 children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, two sons and a daughter dying in their youth. The survivors are Mrs. John Johnston, of Florida; Mrs. Richard Mitchell, of Morris; Mrs. George Bateman, of Grey; Mrs. Duncan McKay, of Dakota. The subject of this notice was a kind hearted, straight going man who enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. He was a good husband, a kind father and a most hospitable and accommodating neighbor. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Holmes, of whose congregation Mr. Jones was a worthy member, conducted an appropriate service, assisted by Rev. R. Paul and Rev. W. Norton. The pallbearers were four nephews (John, Robert, George and Ben. Dark), S. Haggard and George Colvin. Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Holmes preached a memorial sermon in the Methodist church, Brussels, having reference to the deceased from the text "Your heart shall never die," Psalm 22:26. A quartette entitled "I know that my Redeemer lives," was sung by Mrs. E. B. Creighton, Miss Kerr, Fred Gilpin and A. Ross. Mrs. Jones is deeply sympathized with her widowhood.
Brussels Post - April 6, 1905
DEATHS - JONES - In Morris, on March 31st, Susannah Dark, relict of the late John Jones in her 81st year.
Brussels Post - April 6, 1905
MRS. JOHN JONES DECEASED - Early last Friday Susannah Dark, relict of the late John Jones, passed peacefully to the rest of God's children, at the advanced age of 80 years. She was making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Mitchell, 3rd line, Morris, for some time past and had been confined to bed for 4 or 5 weeks, pleurisy and inflammation of the bowels being a combination at her age that defied medical skill. Deceased was conscious to the last and proved the truthfulness of many promises that had buoyed her up in her voyage over life's ocean. Mr. Jones died on Aug. 24th 1899, aged 80 years. The subject of this notice was born in Devonshire, England, and immediately after her marriage on Aug. 9th, 1852, sailed for the new world, from Bristol. A few months were spent in New York State after which they lived at Mitchell, Ont., for a couple of years and then moved to lot 9, con. 10, Grey township, where they made their home until 1884, a house and lot were bought in Brussels South and there the evening of life was spent. The surviving of seven children are Mrs. John Johnston, of Florida; Mrs. Richard Mitchell, of Morris; Mrs. Geo. Bateman, of Grey; and Mrs. Duncan McKay, of North Dakota, who were present at the funeral on Monday afternoon, excepting Mrs. Johnston. Rev. T. W. Cosens, deceased's pastor, conducted an appropriate service after which the remains were conveyed to Brussels cemetery and placed beside those of her partner of joys and sorrows for so many years. Mrs. Jones was a devoted Christian woman whose experience often helped others along the pathway. She was a faithful wife, a true mother and was most highly and deservedly esteemed by all who knew her.
Brussels Post - April 20, 1905
A CARD OF THANKS - The undersigned wish to return their sincerest
thanks to neighbors and friends who were so kind, thoughtful, in word and
deed in the recent illness and subsequent death of our mother, Mrs. John Jones.
It will ever be present with us as a silver lining to a dark cloud.
Yours gratefully, Mrs. R. Mitchell, Mrs. D. McKay, Mrs. G. Bateman.
General Registry Office - (1852 Q3(Sep) pg 263, Vol 11a, Reg district Newport M).
1852 - Marriage Solemnized at the Tabernacle Chapel in the District of Newport in the Counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan.
Number - 3 When Married - Ninth of August 1852 Name and Surname - John Jones - Susan Dark Age - 33 years - 28 years Condition - Bachelor - Spinster Rank or Profession - Farmer Residence at marriage- Pillgwenlly, Newport - Commercial Street, Newport Father's Name - James Jones - William Dark Profession of Father - Farmer - Joiner
Married in the Tabernacle Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Independants by me, John Barfield, Officiating Minister. This marriage was solemnized between us, John Jones, Susan Dark in the presence of Richard Hutchings, Ellen Elliott.
1851 UK Census
Wales, Monmouthshire, Newport - page 555 & 556 - 41 Commercial Street 555-17 Richd Elliott - Head - 55yrs (abt 1796) - born Devon. 555-18 Jane Elliott - Wife - 58yrs (abt 1793) - born Devon. 555-19 Elizh Jane Elliott - Dau - 19yrs (abt 1832) - born Devon. 555-20 Ellen Elliott - Dau - 16yrs (abt 1835) - born Devon. 556-01 Richd Hutchings - Assistant - 18yrs (abt 1833) - born Devon. 556-02 Susan Darke - Servant - 27yrs (abt 1824) - born Devon.
Bible Christians.
In the 1871 Canada Census (Ontario) both the DARK and JONES families are said
to be Bible Christians.
Susan kept many tickets like the one shown (original size 6.5cm x 5cm) in
a scrap book. The oldest tickets date back to
1844 and signed Susanna Dark.
There are also many tickets signed by Susan Jones and her husband John dated
up to 1898.
Brussels Post - January 14, 1925
The Dark Family Re-union
10 Brothers and Sisters Assemble on Christmas Day Whose Combined Years Total 671
On Christmas Day, at the home of William Dark, Alexander Street, Brussels,
a most unique gathering was held and possibly beyond duplication in several features.
It was a family Re-union, the first time in 35 years in which the members were able to
meet together for such an occasion.
It was a time long to be remembered, often dreamed of and delightful in its realization.
As the large family surrounded the festive board and enjoyed true hospitality on the day
of all days many a story was told and incident recited in the passing years from the days
of childhood to the present.
The possibility of holding the re-union centered round the fact that 4 members from the
Great West had been able to come to Brussels,
viz. Mrs. Chas. Fox; Mrs. R. Gordon and George and James Dark,
and with the 5 representatives living in Brussels locality, who are
Mrs. Wm. Gordon, Miss Rebecca Dark, William, John and Robert Dark,
it was not a difficult task to persuade Ben. Dark of Galt, to respond
so as to complete the long coveted desire of the unbroken circle.
It was a happy consummation, beyond any human probability of it ever
being accomplished again in the bounds of time.
The names quoted are 10 children born at the home of George Dark and Ann Furzman,
who were married in Fullarton Township, Perth County, in 1847, and with 3 of the
family these sturdy pioneers move to the bush farm Lot 9 Con 11, Grey township,
about 3.75 miles from Brussels, and where they continued to live, enjoying the
results of their early privations and combined industry, until they were beckoned
to the Many mansions.
Mr. Dark answered the call July 18, 1891, aged 71 years, and his partner followed
July 18, 1897, aged also 71 years.
Both were Devonshire folk coming from England in young manhood and womanhood,
and leaving behind them an evergreen memory.
The older 7 children were born on the old homestead.
A remarkable and noteworthy fact is that although the eldest child is 76 years
old and the youngest 57 and number counting up to 10, they have been spared
through the flight of time to this period without one of the flock missing.
Their total ages give to 671 years.
All are enjoying comparatively good health and were able to take a trip to Wingham
and have a photographic group taken.
As a family they have conducted themselves honorably so as to earn and enjoy the
friendship and kindly regard of hundreds of old friends,
who take much pleasure in extending congratulations and good wishes on the historic
data they have been illustrating.
If the members of the family were "not so backward in coming forward" many an
interesting chapter might be added to this sketch,
drawn from the old home records and the happy continuance of the 10 links in this living chain.
The relatives are still here from the West enjoying the fellowship and social good
times of many former friends and acquaintances.
As a family they are specially grateful that the reunion was possible under such favorable auspices.
There are 21 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren in the connection with the Dark families.
The following family history table shows that race suicide was not to be feared in those long
ago days when big families were fashionable: -
Family Register --- born --- Age Rebecca Sept 25 1848 76 Mary Dec. 31 1849 75 George Nov. 20 1851 73 William Apr. 19 1854 70 John Sept 20 1856 68 James July 8 1858 66 Robert Apr. 18 1860 64 Fannie June 14 1862 62 Clara May 20 1864 60 Benj. Oct. 19 1867 57 ---- Total years 671