Book Title

Everybody Goes to Heaven

In Defence of Universal Salvation

The concept of universal salvation is as old as Christendom. An early church father by the name of Origen (A.D. 185 - 254), while he did not outrightly say that everyone goes to heaven, certainly intimated that idea, and it was for that idea, and several others, that he was condemned as a heretic by the Council of Constantinople in A.D. 543.

The author of the book, "Everybody Goes to Heaven," was charged with heresy in the late 1990's, for teaching and preaching that everybody goes to heaven, the same idea that condemned Origen. This book is the result of that charge, since the author believes that Origen was wrongly condemned, and that universal salvation is indeed a biblical concept, and is, in fact, the very heart of the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Having had the privilege to peruse an advanced copy, I highly recommend this courageous book. The ideas advanced by the author deserve to be read, pondered and discussed. A classmate and friend for half a century, Richard Holm has thought long and deeply about questions most Christians don't dare to ask. I love how he explains complicated theology in terms any open-minded person could understand. Pastor Richard has a passion for communicating to ordinary believers the wisdom acquired over millennia by saints and theologians who often endured pain and rejection in their search for the truth. Some may shy away from his conclusions, but others will receive them as really good news. - Erich Weingartner

I am enjoying your book. It's the first time I can recall sitting down with a book that discusses religion that had me reading multiple chapters, not wanting to put it down. - Ray Wood

My Picture

The book is made up of the following chapters:

Chapter Heading
Chapter Heading
God's Forgiveness
Beginning the Journey
The Development of Pharisee Thought
God's Plan for Creation
Near Death Experiences
Purpose of the Church
Kingdom of Heaven

About the author:
Richard Holm is a Lutheran pastor, ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in 1969. He earned his B.A. from Waterloo Lutheran University (now Wilfrid Laurier University) in 1965, and his M.Div. from Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (now Martin Luther University College) in 1973. He served St. James Parish, Mannheim/New Dundee; Grace, Oakville; and Bethany, Woodstock; all in Ontario, Canada . Following retirment in 2008, he served several more years as an interim minister in a number of congregations. In 2017, he was honoured as Pastor Emeritus of Bethany Lutheran Church, Woodstock.

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