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LONDON FREE PRESS Saturday April 8, 2000


Citizens saved symphony one loonie at a time

Buddy, can you spare a dime? Or rather, in today's dollar, make that at least a loonie.

It was with great dismay I read the news about Orchestra London's financial woes. I know London, with its size and corporate health, can continue to enjoy the benefits of a professional orchestra. It all starts with a loonie.

Sound impossible? Consider this: In 1995, Symphony Nova Scotia was on the brink of bankruptcy. The musicians, staff and board all rallied around the institution, but it was the people of Nova Scotia who ultimately saved the orchestra. A loonie campaign was started and people from children to pensioners donated whatever they could. At the end of the campaign, the orchestra was $250,000 to the good.

The musicians of Orchestra London are one of your city's most valuable cultural resources. They teach your children at the university, through conservatories and privately. They are the main source for classical music of all shapes and sizes in your community. These are real people who hold mortgages, shop locally and have children of their own. But such a resource requires ongoing support.

Believe me, a loonie can make it possible.

Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians
Dartmouth, N.S.

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