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LONDON FREE PRESS Saturday April 29, 2000


Ignore the finer arts, live in world of ignorance

I read with interest the letter, Institutions must adjust to changes in culture (April 4) from Ross Nightingale.

The definition of culture in my dictionary is as follows: enlightenment and excellence of taste, acquaintance with and taste of fine arts.

In my lifetime, I was taught most of this by what Nightingale refers to as the retirement community.

That community has lived through many changes and accepted same with graciousness and understanding.

If we choose to ignore the finer arts, we are doomed to live in a world of ignorance for the finer things and, I might add, lack of tolerance for other people's opinions.

I agree that ideas change and over the years I have seen many of them. Ragtime, jazz, pop and disco have come on the scene but never has it been suggested that we should discard the classics that have been with us for hundreds of years and many generations.

I wish Orchestra London good luck in their endeavours.

St. Thomas

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