Links to Useful Organizations

Edvantage Discounts Program Logo     ManuLife Financial Logo    Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Logo    Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Logo

Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan    OTG Financial Inc. Logo    


The Edvantage Discounts Program provides exclusive discounts and special deals with different retail partners throughout the province of Ontario, and around the world, is a special benefit provided to you free of charge, and is exclusive to education employees in the province of Ontario.


The Group Benefits Plans to which the OSSTF Bargaining Units have access are administered through Manulife Financial.


The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan is responsible for the retirement income of 154,000 elementary and secondary school teachers, and 88,500 retired teachers and their families.


The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) is a pension plan for employees of local government that serves and supports over 312,000 members, employer groups and retirees throughout the province.


Founded in 1977 by the five teacher affiliates of Ontario, the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan's exclusive focus is the province's education employees. They provide a diversified range of insurance products and services tailored to meet their specific needs.


Providing a full slate of financial services, OTG Financial Inc. (formerly Ontario Teachers' Group Inc.) has been helping education workers and their families achieve their goals since 1975.  They offer the advantage of first class products and services at substantially lower fees than the industry average.