'' ============================================================ '' Ragdoll Smash '' '' Copyright (C) 2006 - Jeff Marshall (coder@execulink.com) '' '' License: 1) Program is provided as-is. '' 2) There is no warranty or guarantee. '' 3) There are no other conditions. '' '' '' ============================================================ '' '' '' This particle system is not based on any real world model but '' it does have some theory. The math is simplified by having '' all "atoms" of the same size and mass. (There is no mass in '' any of the calculations) Also, certain physical effects are '' simulated using factors and conditions to change the state of '' the system. '' '' The solid bodies are made up of "atoms". '' '' * Atoms have a spacing and a size (ATOMSPACE, ATOMSIZE) '' * Atoms are affected by gravity (XGRAVITY, YGRAVITY) '' * Atoms can bounce off the sides and bottom of the screen '' and when they do, lose some momentum due to the '' collision (BOUNDDECAY) '' * Atoms have a max speed (MAXSPEED) to limit values and '' make the simulation work better. '' '' "Bonds" represent the relationship between two atoms. '' When a bond is first created a distance between two atoms '' is set to indicate how far the two atoms should be from '' each other. Too far or too close and the system will move '' the atoms closer or further apart. Let's call this the '' balanced distance. '' '' * The rate at which two atoms return to the balanced '' distance is affected by stiffness (STIFFNESS). '' * If two atoms are moving away from each other and the '' instantaneous velocity is high enough the bond is '' broken. (BREAKTHRESHOLD) '' * If the magnitude of the relative velocity between two '' atoms is high enough (DEFORMTHRESHOLD) the bond can be '' deformed. The amount of deformation is controlled '' by a factor. (FDEFORM) '' '' ============================================================ #include "fbgfx.bi" DECLARE SUB VSet (v AS ANY, x!, y!) DECLARE SUB VNeg (v AS ANY, a AS ANY) DECLARE SUB VSub2V (v AS ANY, a AS ANY) DECLARE SUB VScale (v AS ANY, a AS ANY, k!) DECLARE SUB VAddComp (v AS ANY, a AS ANY, x!, y!) DECLARE SUB VSubComp (v AS ANY, a AS ANY, x!, y!) DECLARE SUB VRot2V (v AS ANY, r!) DECLARE SUB VAddComp2V (v AS ANY, x!, y!) DECLARE SUB VNeg2V (v AS ANY) DECLARE SUB VScale2V (v AS ANY, k!) DECLARE SUB VAdd2V (v AS ANY, a AS ANY) DECLARE SUB VLimit2V (v AS ANY, d!) DECLARE SUB VSub (v AS ANY, a AS ANY, B AS ANY) DECLARE SUB ApplyCollision (i%) DECLARE SUB RotateAtoms (x!, y!, r!) DECLARE SUB ApplyTension (i%) DECLARE SUB ApplyBounds (i%) DECLARE SUB DrawAtoms () DECLARE SUB SetBond (idx%, a1%, a2%, bal!, ten!, c%) DECLARE SUB SetAtom (idx%, x1!, y1!, dx!, dy!, c%) DECLARE SUB CreateBlock (x1!, y1!, xsiz%, ysiz%, c%) DECLARE SUB CreateTriBlock(x1!, y1!, siz%, c%) DECLARE SUB Initialize () DECLARE FUNCTION Dist! (a1%, a2%) DECLARE FUNCTION GetFreeAtom% () DECLARE FUNCTION GetFreeBond% () declare Function FindAtom%(x!, y!) DECLARE SUB CreateFromBmp(x1!, y1!, c%) CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE CONST MAXATOMS = 2000 CONST MAXBONDS = 4000 CONST ATOMSIZE = 4 CONST YGRAVITY = -.004 CONST XGRAVITY = 0 CONST BOUNDDECAY = .99 CONST FDEFORM = .4 CONST ATOMSPACE = 10 CONST DEFORMTHRESHOLD = 1 CONST BREAKTHRESHOLD = 2 CONST STIFFNESS = 0.5 CONST MAXSPEED = 5 CONST MAXPUSH = 0.1 TYPE Vector x AS SINGLE y AS SINGLE END TYPE DECLARE FUNCTION VDist! (a AS ANY, b AS ANY) DECLARE FUNCTION VMag! (v AS ANY) TYPE Atom ex AS INTEGER p AS vector v AS vector flg as INTEGER c as INTEGER END TYPE TYPE Bond ex AS INTEGER a1 AS INTEGER a2 AS INTEGER ten AS SINGLE bal AS SINGLE c as INTEGER END TYPE DIM SHARED a(1 TO MAXATOMS) AS Atom DIM SHARED B(1 TO MAXBONDS) AS Bond SCREEN 18, 8, 2 ScreenSet 1,0 WINDOW (-320, 0)-(320, 480) ReStart: Randomize Timer Initialize 'CreateBlock 100, 150, 2, 5,14 'RotateAtoms 0, 0, .1 'CreateBlock 0, 150, 2, 5,13 'RotateAtoms 0, 0, .1 'CreateTriBlock 0, 100, 7, 15 'RotateAtoms 0, 100, .5 CreateBlock -100, 150, 3, 3,12 RotateAtoms 0, 0, .1 CreateBlock 0, 2000, 5, 5,11 CreateBlock -100, 1000, 10, 3,10 CreateBlock -100, 500, 10, 8,9 RotateAtoms 0, 0, .1 Dim Shared KeyPoints(1 to 5) as integer dim shared nKeyPoints as integer = 0 dim shared iActivePoint as integer = 0 CreateFromBMP 0, 640, 15 RotateAtoms 0,0,.1 CreateBlock 10, 700, 5, 11,11 RotateAtoms 10, 700, .5 grabatom% = 0 Dim tmx%,tmy%,mx!,my!,mw%,mb% DO omb% = mb% GetMouse tmx%, tmy%, mw%, mb% mx! = tmx% - 320 my! = 480 - tmy% if mb% <> 0 and omb = 0 then grabatom% = FindAtom%(mx!, my!) elseif mb% = 0 then grabatom% = 0 end if if grabatom% > 0 then if a(grabatom%).ex = TRUE then a(grabatom%).p.x = mx! a(grabatom%).p.y = my! a(grabatom%).v.x = 0 a(grabatom%).v.y = 0 else grabatom% = 0 end if end if FOR i% = 1 TO MAXBONDS IF B(i%).ex = TRUE THEN ApplyTension i% END IF NEXT i% if Multikey(SC_1) then iActivePoint = 1 if Multikey(SC_2) then iActivePoint = 2 if Multikey(SC_3) then iActivePoint = 3 if Multikey(SC_4) then iActivePoint = 4 if Multikey(SC_5) then iActivePoint = 5 if iActivePoint > 0 and iActivePoint <= nKeyPoints then if MultiKey(SC_UP) then A(KeyPoints(iActivePoint)).v.y = MAXPUSH end if if MultiKey(SC_LEFT) then A(KeyPoints(iActivePoint)).v.x = -MAXPUSH end if if MultiKey(SC_RIGHT) then A(KeyPoints(iActivePoint)).v.x = MAXPUSH end if if MultiKey(SC_DOWN) then A(KeyPoints(iActivePoint)).v.y = -MAXPUSH end if end if FOR i% = 1 TO MAXATOMS IF a(i%).ex = TRUE THEN VAddComp2V a(i%).v, XGRAVITY, YGRAVITY ' Apply Gravity ApplyBounds i% ApplyCollision i% VLimit2V a(i%).v, MAXSPEED ' Limit Speed VAdd2V a(i%).p, a(i%).v ' Apply Movement END IF NEXT i% cls DrawAtoms flip If MultiKey(SC_R) then goto Restart end if if MultiKey(SC_SPACE) then FOR i% = 1 TO MAXATOMS IF A(i%).ex = TRUE THEN VSet a(i%).v, (rnd - 0.5) * MAXSPEED * 2, (rnd - 0.5) * MAXSPEED * 2 END IF NEXT i% end if LOOP UNTIL MULTIKEY(1) SUB ApplyBounds (i%) IF a(i%).p.y < 0 THEN a(i%).p.y = -a(i%).p.y a(i%).v.y = -a(i%).v.y * BOUNDDECAY a(i%).v.x = a(i%).v.x * BOUNDDECAY END IF IF a(i%).p.x > 320 THEN a(i%).p.x = 320 - (a(i%).p.x - 320) a(i%).v.x = -a(i%).v.x * BOUNDDECAY END IF IF a(i%).p.x < -320 THEN a(i%).p.x = -320 + (-a(i%).p.x - 320) a(i%).v.x = -a(i%).v.x * BOUNDDECAY END IF END SUB SUB ApplyCollision (i%) DIM cij AS vector DIM cji AS vector DIM rij AS vector DIM rji AS vector ' Check Atom i% to see if it has hit any other FOR j% = 1 TO MAXATOMS ' i% - 1 IF j% <> i% THEN IF a(j%).ex = TRUE THEN VSub cij, a(j%).p, a(i%).p VNeg cji, cij d! = VMag!(cij) IF d! < ATOMSIZE * 2 THEN ' We have a collision ' Is I moving towards J k! = (cij.x * cij.x + cij.y * cij.y) ' Project i.v on cij => rij k1! = (a(i%).v.x * cij.x + a(i%).v.y * cij.y) / k! IF k1! >= 0 THEN VScale rij, cij, k1! ' Project j.v on cji => rji k2! = (a(j%).v.x * cji.x + a(j%).v.y * cji.y) / k! VScale rji, cji, k2! ' Apply Results VAdd2V a(i%).v, rji VSub2V a(i%).v, rij VAdd2V a(j%).v, rij VSub2V a(j%).v, rji END IF END IF END IF END IF NEXT j% END SUB SUB ApplyTension (i%) DIM v AS vector a1% = B(i%).a1 a2% = B(i%).a2 VSub v, a(a1%).p, a(a2%).p d! = VMag!(v) IF d! / ATOMSPACE > BREAKTHRESHOLD THEN B(i%).ex = FALSE EXIT SUB END IF diff! = (d! - B(i%).bal) / 2 * STIFFNESS VScale2V v, diff! / B(i%).bal IF ABS(d! / ATOMSPACE) > DEFORMTHRESHOLD THEN B(i%).bal = B(i%).bal + diff! * FDEFORM END IF VAdd2V a(a2%).v, v VNeg2V v VAdd2V a(a1%).v, v END SUB Function FindAtom%(x!, y!) function = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO MAXATOMS IF a(i%).ex = TRUE THEN if Abs(x! - a(i%).p.x) < ATOMSPACE then if Abs(y! - a(i%).p.y) < ATOMSPACE then function = i% exit for end if end if Endif NEXT i% End Function SUB CreateTriBlock(x1!, y1!, siz%, c%) xspc! = ATOMSPACE yspc! = SQR(0.75 * ATOMSPACE * ATOMSPACE) bal! = ATOMSPACE ten! = ATOMSPACE REDIM aidx%(0 TO siz% - 1, 0 TO siz% - 1) ' Create Atoms for x% = 0 to siz% - 1 for y% = 0 to siz% - x% - 1 aidx%(x%, y%) = GetFreeAtom% SetAtom aidx%(x%, y%), x1! + (x% + y% / 2) * xspc!, y1! + y% * yspc!, 0, 0, c% next y% next x% ' Create Diagonal Bonds for x% = 0 to siz% - 2 for y% = 0 to siz% - x% - 2 bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x%, y% + 1), ATOMSPACE, ten!, c% bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% + 1, y%), ATOMSPACE, ten!, c% bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x% + 1, y%), aidx%(x%, y% + 1), ATOMSPACE, ten!, c% NEXT y% NEXT x% END SUB SUB CreateBlock (x1!, y1!, xsiz%, ysiz%, c%) xspc! = ATOMSPACE yspc! = ATOMSPACE bal! = ATOMSPACE ten! = ATOMSPACE REDIM aidx%(0 TO xsiz% - 1, 0 TO ysiz% - 1) ' Create Atoms FOR x% = 0 TO xsiz% - 1 FOR y% = 0 TO ysiz% - 1 aidx%(x%, y%) = GetFreeAtom% SetAtom aidx%(x%, y%), x1! + x% * xspc!, y1! + y% * yspc!, 0, 0, c% NEXT y% NEXT x% ' Create Horizontal Bonds FOR y% = 0 TO ysiz% - 1 FOR x% = 0 TO xsiz% - 2 bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% + 1, y%), bal!, ten!, c% NEXT x% NEXT y% ' Create Vertical Bonds FOR x% = 0 TO xsiz% - 1 FOR y% = 0 TO ysiz% - 2 bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x%, y% + 1), bal!, ten!, c% NEXT y% NEXT x% ' Create Diagonal Bonds FOR x% = 0 TO xsiz% - 2 FOR y% = 0 TO ysiz% - 2 bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% + 1, y% + 1), SQR(bal! * bal! * 2), ten!, c% NEXT y% NEXT x% ' Create Diagonal Bonds FOR x% = 1 TO xsiz% - 1 FOR y% = 0 TO ysiz% - 2 bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% - 1, y% + 1), SQR(bal! * bal! * 2), ten!, c% NEXT y% NEXT x% END SUB SUB DrawAtoms ' Draw all the atoms 'FOR i% = 1 TO MAXATOMS ' IF a(i%).ex = TRUE THEN ' 'CIRCLE (a(i%).p.x, a(i%).p.y), ATOMSIZE, a(i%).c ' PSET (a(i%).p.x, a(i%).p.y), a(i%).c ' END IF 'NEXT i% if iActivePoint > 0 then CIRCLE (a(KeyPoints(iActivePoint)).p.x, a(KeyPoints(iActivePoint)).p.y), ATOMSIZE, 14 end if ' Draw All the Bonds FOR i% = 1 TO MAXBONDS IF B(i%).ex = TRUE THEN LINE (a(B(i%).a1).p.x, a(B(i%).a1).p.y)-(a(B(i%).a2).p.x, a(B(i%).a2).p.y), B(i%).c END IF NEXT i% END SUB FUNCTION GetFreeAtom% DIM i AS INTEGER GetFreeAtom% = 0 FOR i = 1 TO MAXATOMS IF a(i).ex = FALSE THEN GetFreeAtom% = i EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetFreeBond% DIM i AS INTEGER GetFreeBond% = 0 FOR i = 1 TO MAXBONDS IF B(i).ex = FALSE THEN GetFreeBond% = i EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i END FUNCTION SUB Initialize FOR i = 1 TO MAXATOMS a(i).ex = FALSE NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO MAXBONDS B(i).ex = FALSE NEXT i END SUB SUB RotateAtoms (x!, y!, r!) DIM v AS vector FOR i% = 1 to MAXATOMS IF a(i%).ex = TRUE THEN IF a(i%).flg = FALSE THEN VSubComp v, a(i%).p, x!, y! VRot2V v, r! VAddComp a(i%).p, v, x!, y! a(i%).flg = TRUE END IF END IF NEXT i% END SUB SUB SetAtom (idx%, x1!, y1!, dx!, dy!, c%) a(idx%).ex = TRUE a(idx%).p.x = x1! a(idx%).p.y = y1! a(idx%).v.x = dx! a(idx%).v.y = dy! a(idx%).flg = FALSE a(idx%).c = c% END SUB SUB SetBond (idx%, a1%, a2%, bal!, ten!, c%) B(idx%).ex = TRUE B(idx%).a1 = a1% B(idx%).a2 = a2% B(idx%).bal = bal! B(idx%).ten = ten! B(idx%).c = c% END SUB SUB VAdd (v AS Vector, a AS Vector, b AS Vector) v.x = a.x + b.x v.y = a.y + b.y END SUB SUB VAdd2V (v AS Vector, a AS Vector) v.x = v.x + a.x v.y = v.y + a.y END SUB SUB VAddComp (v AS Vector, a AS Vector, x!, y!) v.x = a.x + x! v.y = a.y + y! END SUB SUB VAddComp2V (v AS Vector, x!, y!) v.x = v.x + x! v.y = v.y + y! END SUB SUB VAddMul (v AS Vector, k1!, a AS Vector, k2!, b AS Vector) v.x = k1! * a.x + k2! * b.x v.y = k1! * a.y + k2! * b.y END SUB FUNCTION VDist! (a AS Vector, b AS Vector) DIM v AS Vector VSub v, a, b VDist! = VMag!(v) END FUNCTION SUB VLimit2V (v AS Vector, d!) IF v.x > d! THEN v.x = d! IF v.x < -d! THEN v.x = -d! IF v.y > d! THEN v.y = d! IF v.y < -d! THEN v.y = -d! END SUB FUNCTION VMag! (v AS Vector) VMag! = SQR(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y) END FUNCTION SUB VNeg (v AS Vector, a AS Vector) VScale v, a, -1 END SUB SUB VNeg2V (v AS Vector) VScale2V v, -1 END SUB SUB VRot2V (v AS Vector, r!) DIM a AS Vector a.x = v.x * COS(r!) + v.y * SIN(r!) a.y = -v.x * SIN(r!) + v.y * COS(r!) v = a END SUB SUB VRot902V (v AS Vector) DIM a AS Vector a = v v.x = -a.y v.y = a.x END SUB SUB VScale (v AS Vector, a AS Vector, k!) v.x = k! * a.x v.y = k! * a.y END SUB SUB VScale2V (v AS Vector, k!) v.x = k! * v.x v.y = k! * v.y END SUB SUB VSet (v AS Vector, x!, y!) v.x = x! v.y = y! END SUB SUB VSub (v AS Vector, a AS Vector, b AS Vector) v.x = a.x - b.x v.y = a.y - b.y END SUB SUB VSub2V (v AS Vector, a AS Vector) v.x = v.x - a.x v.y = v.y - a.y END SUB SUB VSubComp (v AS Vector, a AS Vector, x!, y!) v.x = a.x - x! v.y = a.y - y! END SUB Sub CreateFromBmp(x1!, y1!, c%) dim img as any ptr, b as byte ptr img = Allocate(32 * 64 + 4) bload "ragdoll.bmp", img b = cast(byte ptr, img) + 4 xspc! = ATOMSPACE yspc! = ATOMSPACE bal! = ATOMSPACE ten! = ATOMSPACE REDIM aidx%(0 TO 31, 0 TO 63) for y = 0 to 63 for x = 0 to 31 if *b then aidx%(x%, y%) = GetFreeAtom% c% = cint(*b) if (*b) = 16 then if nKeyPOints < 5 then nKeyPOints += 1 KeyPoints(nKeyPOints) = aidx%(x%, y%) c%=11 end if end if SetAtom aidx%(x%, y%), x1! + x * xspc!, y1! - y * yspc!, 0, 0, cint(*b) end if b += 1 next x next y for y = 1 to 62 for x = 1 to 30 b = cast(byte ptr, img) + 4 + y * 32 + x if *b then if (*(b-1)) then bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% - 1, y%), bal!, ten!, cint(*b) endif if (*(b-32)) then bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x%, y% - 1), bal!, ten!, cint(*b) endif if (*(b-33)) then bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% - 1, y% - 1), SQR(bal! * bal! * 2), ten!, cint(*b) endif if (*(b+31)) then bidx% = GetFreeBond% SetBond bidx%, aidx%(x%, y%), aidx%(x% - 1, y% + 1), SQR(bal! * bal! * 2), ten!, cint(*b) endif end if b += 1 next x next y deallocate img End Sub