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History  The history section of this website has numerous links to history related topics. If you have a link that is not in this page, then please Email me and I will add the link ASAP. If you are having trouble finding your topic, please go to the search section.
Art  The art section contains hundreds of paintings which are linked up to the internet's top Web-Museum's. The pages contain information on artists as well as several paintings (in .GIF and .JPG format) created by each artist.
Music  Check out the music section to find information on many musicians including Beethoven and Mozart. Music Clips (in .MP2 format) are available for download. If you do not have an .MP2 player, please click here to download Winamp version 1.7.
Society  The Society section contains many links related to the topics of Psychology and Sociology. If you have a link that would fit in the society section, please Email me and the link will be added.
Geography  The Geography site (GWI OAC) has not been constructed yet, but should be created in the second semester of 1998 (February - June). Currently, there are many temporary geography related links in this section.
Java Chat  Do you want to chat with other people about history, art, music, or just about anything? Come to the chat page to chat in real-time similar to IRC (Internet Relay Chat). The chat is operated using java, so if your browser does not suppose java then it will not function correctly. (Java Supporting Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 + and Netscape 3.0 +).
Search  Are you having trouble finding your topic? If so, go to the search section to search the web with Altavista. As well, there are links to all other major search engines. If you are still having trouble finding your topic, try searching under Metacrawler.
Email  Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions? If so, click here to go to the email section and feel free to drop me a line. I will be glad to help you with anything that you need assistance with.

Site Layout and Design by Manpreet Grewal
Copyright © 1997 Modern Western Civilizations Website. All rights reserved.